7 Face of innovation business model

Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur’s book, entitled Business Model Generation, is published by Kompas Gramedia. Discusses the Business Framework, a very interesting book that has every picture in addition to explaining the contents of the material. The present page launched Face that has innovated in the business world. The following article discusses page seven of the face of the innovation model. Seven faces of innovation models

Jean Pierre Cuoni – Executive Senior / Head of International EFG

The leader of EFG International, focusing: building new business models in an old industry, Jean-Pierre Cuoni leads EFG International, a private bank that may be the most innovative business model. Through EFG, he changed the shape of the traditional relationship between the bank, the client and his managers. dreaming, forming, then running an Innovative business model in an industry that is conservative with established players an art and this is what puts EFG International as the fastest growing bank in its sector

Dagfinn Myhre – Intrapreneur / Head of R&I Business Models-Telenor

The head of the R & I / TELENOR business model focuses helps to take advantage of the latest technological developments through the right business model. Dagfinn leads a business model unit at Telenor, one of the ten largest mobile phone operators in the world. The telecommunications sector demands continuous innovation, and Dagfinn has taken the initiative to help Telenor identify and understand sustainable models that exploit the potential of the latest technological developments. Through an in-depth analysis of trends in this key industry, and by developing and using the latest analytical tools, the Dagfinn team explores new business concepts and opportunities.

Marielle Sijgers – Entrepreneur / CDEF Holding BV

Entrepreneur / CDEF Holding BV, focus: addressing unmet customer needs and building new business models around it. Marielle Sijgers is an experienced entrepreneur. Together with her partner, Ronald Van Den Hoff, she thrills meetings, congresses and the service industry with an innovative business model. Starting with the customer’s insatiable needs, the couple has discovered the new concept of Seats2meat.com, which allows booking meeting locations in unusual places. Together, sijgers and Van Den Hoff constantly play with the idea of ​​a new business model and launch the most promising concept as the Investor’s new venture

Gert Steens – Investor / President & Investment Analyst

President and investment analyst / Oblanski BV, Focus: investing in companies that have the most competitive business models. Gert’s job is to identify the best business model. Brinvesting into the wrong company with the wrong model can cost millions of clients and damage its reputation. Understanding new and innovative business models become the most important part of his work. It goes beyond ordinary financial analytics and compares business models to recognize strategic differences that can provide a competitive advantage. Gert continues to look for various business model innovations

Bas Van Oosterhout – Senior Consultant / Capgemini

Senior consultant / Capgemini Consulting, Focus: helping clients find business models, and dreaming and building new business models. Bass is part of the Capgemini Business Innovation team. Together with his clients, he improved performance and renewed competitiveness through innovation. Today’s business model innovations are a core component of their work because they are closely related to client projects. The goal is to generate trust and help clients with new business models, from idea formation to implementation. To achieve this, Bas uses his understanding of the best business model, whatever the industry.

Trish Papadakos – sole Owner – The Institute Of You

Sole Owner / The Institute of you, Focus: developing the right business model to launch an Innovative product. Trish is a talented young designer who is highly trained to capture the essence of an idea and unite it in client communication. Now he is pursuing one of his ideas, which is to help people who change jobs. After weeks of in-depth research, the design was complete. Trish knew that he would find the right business model to market his services. He understands the side of meeting with clients because that is what he does every day as a designer. However, because it is not supported by formal business education, it requires vocabulary and tools to see the big picture

Iqbal Quadir – Thorough Entrepreneur

Social Entrepreneur / Founder of Grameen Phone, Focus: developing positive social and economic changes through innovative business models. Iqbal has never stopped looking for innovative business models that have enormous potential for social life. Its transformative model provides telephone services to more than 100 million Bangladeshis by utilizing the bank micro-credit network Grameen. Now he is looking for a new business model that will provide electricity for the poor. As head of the MIT Legatum Center, he promotes technological empowerment through innovative business as a path to social-economic development.

Reference: https://www.gramedia.com/api/amp/product/business-model-generation/

Book publisher: www.elexmedia.id